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Business Design

Empowering Business Growth through Tailored Design Solutions

From idea to execution, we bridge the gap between vision and reality. Our solutions are designed to adapt to your unique business needs, ensuring a seamless journey towards success.

Transform Your Business with Tailored Solutions

Our Business Design Solutions empower growth through three adaptable packages. Experience practical strategies, innovative AI tools, and dedicated support to accelerate your success.

Practical Strategies

Tailored approaches that drive real business growth.

AI-Driven Tools

Cutting-edge technology to optimize your operations.

Arrows2Created with Sketch.

Hands-On Support

Dedicated experts guiding you every step of the way.

Fast Execution

Rapid implementation to see results quickly.

What is Business Design Solutions?

In today’s fast-paced business world, navigating the journey from concept to execution can be challenging. That’s why we created Business Design Solutions—a comprehensive service that helps businesses of all sizes bridge the gap between vision and reality. Whether you’re launching a startup or scaling an established business, our solutions offer practical, innovative tools and expert guidance to accelerate growth.

Why Choose Our Approach?

We focus on three key stages to give your business idea life


Defining Your Business and Market:

Using personas and business models, we establish a strong foundation.


Building an Effective Online Presence:

Choose the most suitable payment method. We guarantee the security of all payments.


Optimizing Sales and Growth:

For scaling businesses, we integrate advanced CRM, sales funnels, and ongoing support.

With tailored solutions for every stage of growth, we make sure your business thrives.


Explore Our Tailored Business Design Packages

Our packages are designed to meet your unique business needs. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, we have the right solution for you.


Launch Essentials Package

For startups and small business

100 connections

3 features

10 requests per month


Growth Accelerator Package

per month

120 connections

15 features

200 requests per month

Taylor made

Tailored Solutions Package

per month

150 connections

30 features

Unlimited requests

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Connect with us today to explore how we can support your business growth journey.

Choose Your Perfect Package

Here is a list of our fixed-price plans suitable for any company and business:

  • Launch Essentials 

    Separated business/personal

    Include free updates and new features

    Download online banking



  • Growth Accelerator

    Separated business/personal

    Include free updates and new features

    Download online banking

    Free telephone and online support

    Was 280


  • Tailored Solutions

    Separated business/personal

    Include free updates and new features

    Download online banking

    Free telephone and online support

    Automatic data updates

    Strong encryption protect

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Launch Essentials 

Growth Accelerator

Tailored Solutions

  • Separated business/personal

  • Include free updates and new features

  • Download online banking


  • Free telephone and online support

  • Automatic data updates

  • Strong encryption protect


  • What is the timeline?

    The timeline varies based on the package you choose. Typically, our Launch Essentials Package can be completed within two weeks, while the Tailored Solutions Package may take longer depending on your specific needs. We will provide a detailed timeline during the initial consultation.

  • Can I customize packages?

    Absolutely! Our Tailored Solutions Package is designed for customization based on your unique requirements. We work closely with you to ensure that the services align with your business goals. Flexibility is key to our approach.

  • What’s included in packages?

    Each package includes a set of features tailored to different business needs. For instance, the Growth Accelerator Package offers AI-driven personas and CRM integration, while the Launch Essentials Package provides foundational tools like a 1-page website. You can find a detailed breakdown in our comparison table.

  • Do you have a money back guarantee?

    Click Order button next to the service you want to purchase and leave your contacts in a follow-up form. We will get in touch with you shortly to clarify all the details.

  • How do I start?

    Getting started is easy! Simply click on the 'Get Started Today' button, and fill out the form. Our team will reach out to schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs.

  • Are there payment plans?

    Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to accommodate different budgets. During your consultation, we can discuss the options available for your chosen package. Our goal is to make our services accessible while ensuring value.


Difícil trabalhar presencial?

Colaboramos com equipes nacionais e internacionais, sem necessidade de passagens aéreas ou hospedagens. Podemos executar todo o trabalho online usando ferramentas digitais escolhidas a dedo para essa situação. Entre em contato para saber mais.


Para que serve o Design de Negócios?


Nos primeiros estágios de ideação do novo modelo de negócios, vamos ajudar no mapeamento do seu setor e identificar os modelos de negócios mais dominantes. Isso nos ajudará a identificar novas oportunidades de inovação que podem estar prontas para serem aplicadas no novo modelo.
Além disso, vamos te ajudar a conhecer os números por trás do seu setor. Você entenderá exatamente o que precisa saber sobre o mercado em que irá operar.


A maioria das equipes executa o primeiro modelo de negócios criado. Somos verdadeiros fãns da geração de novas ideias, porque sabemos da importância de dedicar tempo à criação de modelos inovadores. A maioria das equipes executa o primeiro modelo de negócios criado. Somos verdadeiros fãs da geração de novas ideias, porque sabemos da importância de dedicar tempo à criação de modelos inovadores.

Product designCreated with Sketch.


Idéias são ótimas. Mas se elas ficam nos post-its, tendem a não sair do papel. Ao criar um novo modelo de negócios, utilizamos técnicas de modelagem que ajudarão você a estruturar os aspectos mais importantes da sua empresa.
Isso vai ajudar você a refletir sobre os recursos necessários do modelo de negócios e a descobrir suposições críticas a serem testadas.


Muitos modelos de negócios que são apenas imaginados e criados não fazem sentido simplesmente porque "as contas não fecham (ou têm uma chance muito baixa de fecharem no futuro).Durante nossa sessão de avaliação, vamos ajudar você a desafiar seu novo modelo de negócios para ver se ele tem chance de sobreviver no mundo real.

Vamos conversar sobre o seu desafio?

Design de Negócio

Quer mais informações sobre este serviço?Preencha o formulário para bater um papo com um de nossos especialistas.



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